Hunter Canada Ku-beam
The Hunter Canada Ku-beam is positioned at the center of the Canadian arc and delivers high-power Ku–band capacity over Canada and the surrounding waters.
Efficient Satellite Network Design
Hunter Communications analyzes all satellite options from a technical and commercial perspective. Our clients receive the highest efficiency at the lowest cost per Mbps.
Satellite Bandwidth Procurement
Hunter Communications sources available satellite bandwidth to meet emerging communications needs. Our services include:
- Technical and commercial analysis of satellite capacity worldwide
- Legal and commercial negotiations
- Third-party excess inventory procurement
- Teleport service arrangements
Hosted Payload Development
Hunter Communications works with satellite manufacturers and operators for potential hosted payload opportunities – both for Hunter’s requirements as well as on behalf of third-party clients.
Satellite Service Expertise
Hunter Communications provides consulting on all aspects of satellite design, from the most strategic gateways to orbital positions and beam coverages.